Other Projects

Other Projects Khandro-la Trinlay Chodon and Khachodling

Project Khandro-la
Project Khandro-la

Roof Project in the slums of Manali, India

In the past years Khandro-la been thinking about the very poorest people in her home town of Manali, northern India. As you know Khachodling has begun the education of poorest children from Himalayan areas and this project has been very rewarding both for those receiving and those giving.

Recently, when teaching the essence of compassion and love (bodhichitta) in Borobudur, Indonesia and while talking with her brother Jampal back in India, Khandro-la asked what is most needed next for the poorest in her hometown and he reminded her that we had a project to fix the roofs of slums in Manali. Here live the very poorest, mostly Nepalis who have come to India in search of any work they can find. They live by the raging river.

Jampal shared the plight of the people – with the recent storms and non stop rain again this year the shelter from their makeshift roofs gave no protection. The current roofs of their squats are put together by patching old oil cans tins so they are falling apart and leaking. The whole family gets wet when it rains. So it would be a great act of generosity to save the families from getting wet and sick by providing them with a good tin roof.

Khachodling has investigated the cost and found that for AUD $50 each family can have a reliable basic tin roof. What an amazing opportunity to assist and practice the paramita of generosity! Therefore Khandro-la is giving this news first to our own sangha/friends. You belong to the tradition that is from the roof of the world so to provide a roof is auspicious!

50 roofs are urgent right now, especially to get up as winter is here. This area as you know is at 7,000ft and is the last stop before the Rohtang pass and the higher Himalayan areas.

If you would like to offer to this project right now please click on the “Donate Now” link below. Your support makes a world of difference – we all know how wonderful it is to have a roof over our heads – especially in winter!

Self Sufficiency Projects (carpet weaving, solar lamps), Training and Education Centre in Himachaal Pradesh, and the completion of projects in the memory of His Holiness Ngawang Jigme, the 9th Shabdrung of Bhutan, Khandro-la’s late husband.

Not all of Khachodling’s Projects are in the Himalayas. As Khandro-la has travelled to other countries she has been identifying special areas where Khachodling has a role. In Australia for example there is a vision to engage in projects that both honour the land and work with indigineous people.

Khachodling is a Charitable Trust in India with a small office in New Delhi. It is authorised by the Indian Government to receive foreign funds (FCR approval). Khachodling has contacts all over the world and now has its own organisational structures in Australia and New Zealand.

This is a summary of Khachodling’s projects and vision. The unfolding of this and each project depends on the offering of the skills, actions and finances as well as the pure intention of those involved in this vision.

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